Who is suitable for liposuction?
Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. In liposuction surgery, the aim is to eliminate the persistent fat deposits that cannot be eliminated by dieting or sports even though the patient is of ideal weight. The main purpose is to correct the body contour and shape the area so that it is proportional to the rest of the body at the end of this procedure. Individuals who are complaining about their regional fat deposition but of ideal weight are the most suitable patients for liposuction surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction
Where is liposuction applied on?
The areas where liposuction is most frequently applied are the abdomen, waist, and hips. Liposuction on the back, inner knee, inner thigh, and double chin is also very commonly performed.
What are the conditions that cannot be treated by liposuction?
It is impossible to get rid of your excess weight with liposuction surgery. Intraabdominal fattening cannot be treated with liposuction. Regular dieting and sports are required to eliminate intraabdominal fattening. If your skin has sagged, this problem cannot be relieved by liposuction; liposuction on a sagged area will increase the sagging and may lead to a poorer appearance.
Which liposuction method is better?
Traditional liposuction is sufficient on its own in most cases. However, if the patient has undergone liposuction before, if a lot of fat will be removed and transferred to another area within the same session, or if liposuction will be performed on an area such as the back which is difficult to be shaped by traditional liposuction, VASER liposuction may yield better outcomes.
Things to consider before the surgery
As should be the case in every surgical procedure, it is required to quit using anticoagulants and quit smoking. If the individual has additional disorders, the doctor of the relevant specialty must be consulted for whether these constitute a barrier to the surgery.
How is liposuction surgery performed?
Liposuction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. A special solution is administered through the required number of intake ports in various areas, and then the excess fat tissue is aspirated with the help of a cannula.
Double chin liposuction procedure
Excess fattening of the area under the chin can be resolved by liposuction alone. However, if the individual has a very loose skin structure in this area, it will yield a better outcome to combine this procedure with the neck lift procedure.
Leg liposuction procedure
Liposuction of the leg area usually involves the hips, upper inner thigh area, and inner knees. Liposuction of the front and back thighs must be avoided. In individuals with loose skin structure, leg liposuction procedures must be kept to a minimum, especially in the inner thigh area.
Arm liposuction procedure
Since the upper arm tends to sag in most individuals, liposuction of the arm alone is usually rarely performed. Arm liposuction procedures are usually performed to empty the tissue and prevent a stretched wound line in the arm lift procedure.
Breast liposuction procedure in males
Liposuction of the breast area as gynecomastia treatment in males is performed very often. In cases where the breast tissue is relatively less compared to the fat tissue, liposuction alone can be sufficient to resolve gynecomastia. For detailed information on gynecomastia, you can have access to our informative texts here.
Recovery period after liposuction surgery
For the re-adhesion of the emptied tissues after liposuction and edema control, you must use a corset specially designed for the relevant area for 2-3 weeks. It is very normal to observe diffuse edema and bruising in the areas of liposuction. For a more rapid resolution of the edema and a better recovery period, a lymphatic drainage massage is recommended. For you to have an idea about the final outcome, at least 6-8 weeks are required. Patients describe their postoperative pains as similar to the widespread pain in the body after exercise. It is very important not to smoke during the recovery period.
Liposuction risks and complications
Just like after every surgical procedure, other than complications related to anesthesia, there are risks of bleeding (hematoma), infection, or fluid accumulation (seroma) following liposuction. The risks and complications of the procedure include contour irregularities, formation of indented areas (grooving), chronic edema, asymmetry, cannula port scars healing poorly, in a color different than the skin color, or hypertrophically, loosening of the skin, tissue death (necrosis), decreased sensation or loss of sensation in the procedure area, fat or blood clot embolism.
Corset after liposuction
For the re-adhesion of the emptied tissues after liposuction and edema control, you must use a corset specially designed for the relevant area for 2-3 weeks.
Edema after liposuction
It is very normal to observe diffuse edema and bruising in the areas of liposuction. For you to have an idea about the final outcome, at least 6-8 weeks are required. Occasionally, chronic edema may develop. For a more rapid resolution of the edema and a better recovery period, a lymphatic drainage massage is recommended.
Scar after liposuction
If you have undergone liposuction alone, only the scars of the cannula ports will remain at the end of the procedure. Unless there are any problems in recovery, these scars do not stand out once the recovery period is over.
Sports after surgery
You can begin to take mildly brisk walks when you feel ready after the surgery. At the end of the 1st month, you can do almost all of your physical activities except heavy lifting. You can begin to perform all exercises as of the 6th week. Listen to your body at each stage and avoid the activities that challenge you and cause discomfort regardless of time after surgery.
Sex life after the surgery
The time to go back to your sex life must be regarded similarly to the time to go back to physical activities.
Smoking after the surgery
One of the most important factors that disrupt the quality of the surgery during the recovery period is smoking. Disrupted circulation due to smoking leads to wound healing problems, infections, and worsening in scar quality. Ideally, smoking must be avoided for 3 weeks before and after the surgery.
Traveling after the surgery
If you do not have any condition that requires follow-up after the surgery, traveling is allowed.