What are the causes of large breasts?

Large breasts are mostly genetic. Patients usually state that they have been complaining about their large breasts since their adolescence. Sometimes, the patient’s complaints may arise after pregnancy. In particular, unilateral and recent rapid breast enlargement must be evaluated further in detail by the relevant specialties for another underlying cause.

Disadvantages of large breasts

Large breasts can cause neck and back pain, and even trigger hernia development. In addition, excessive sweating and rash occur under the large breasts, between the folds of the skin. Eczema and fungal infections may be observed. The patients have difficulties in finding suitable bras, and since their current bras are inadequate in terms of carrying the weight of their breasts, there are marks and dents on their shoulders due to the pressure caused by the bra straps. Patients’ clothing choices are restrained by their breast size, and this has a significant impact on patients’ social lives.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction Surgery

Advantages of breast reduction surgery

Immediately after breast reduction surgery, patients’ quality of life increases dramatically as they are freed of the burden they have been carrying for years. Patients’ back and lower back pains decrease, and they also become more liberal in choosing their clothes.

My breasts are very large; which treatment is suitable for me?

The most effective way of reducing breast size is breast reduction surgery. Occasionally, liposuction can be used for breast reduction, but the effect of this method is very limited, and its outcome is poor.

Before the breast reduction surgery

The patients must be listened carefully about their expectations from breast reduction surgery, and the patients must be informed about what is possible and what is not. The patient’s breast screening must absolutely have been performed within the last 6 months before the surgery. Breast ultrasound is sufficient if the patient is under 35 years old, and mammography is sufficient if the patient is above 35 years old. If a suspected mass is detected, the patient is referred to the relevant specialty. After the patient’s tests are carried out and completed, the decision to carry on with the process is made.

How is the size of the new breast planned?

With the drawings performed before the surgery, the new size of the breast is determined. The key point in these drawings is to determine the new location of the nipple. Care is taken to achieve a breast size proportional to the rest of the body.

How is breast reduction surgery performed?

Breast reduction surgeries are performed under anesthesia. According to the drawings, excess breast tissue is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is shaped.

Scar after breast reduction surgery

Scars of the breast reduction surgery start as a circle around the nipple, go down vertically, and upon reaching the breast fold, extend to the right and left along the fold. These scars are known as “inverted T scar”. Depending on the breast size, these scars may extend to the armpit level. These scars are permanent.

After the breast reduction surgery

At the end of the surgery, drains are attached to both breasts, and you are made to put on a sports bra. It is very natural to feel pain after surgery, and simple analgesics are sufficient to relieve these pains. You may observe significant fullness and swelling of the breasts in the initial weeks, due to intense edema.

Does breast reduction surgery cause cancer?

Breast reduction surgeries do not cause cancer. However, breast cancer screening must certainly be performed before the surgery.

Can I breastfeed after breast reduction surgery?

Lactiferous ducts are at risk of being harmed during the surgery. Therefore, it must be known that there is a risk of not being able to breastfeed after surgery. On the other hand, there is a significant number of people who breastfeed healthily despite undergoing the surgery.

How long does breast reduction surgery take?

The duration of breast reduction surgeries is approximately 2-3 hours.

Is it possible to reduce breast size without surgery?

Breast reduction is a procedure that can only be done surgically.

How to reduce and lift the breast?

There is no need for an additional procedure for lifting during breast reduction surgery. When the reduced breast is reshaped, it is also lifted.

Is hospital stay necessary after breast reduction surgery?

Since the surgery is performed when the patient is under general anesthesia and you will have drains after the surgery, a hospital stay of 1 night is recommended.

Can the breast size increase again after the breast reduction surgery?
The breast is composed of lactiferous ducts and the large adipose tissue surrounding them. In case of excessive weight gain, as increased fat will be observed in breasts as in all parts of the body, breast size may increase again.

Will there be a loss of sensation in the nipple after breast reduction surgery?

The patient must certainly be informed about the loss of sensation in the nipple after breast reduction surgery within the other risks and complications of the surgery. Although a temporary loss of sensation is frequently observed after surgery, the loss of sensation may be permanent in some cases. The patients who smoke are particularly more disadvantaged in terms of this subject.

What are the other risks of breast reduction surgery?

Nipple necrosis (tissue death) after breast reduction surgery is the most important risk that must be discussed with the patient. Partial or total loss of the nipple may be experienced after the surgery due to the disruption of circulation in the nipple. In such cases, in addition to the poor appearance, the nipple sensitivity is completely lost, and the patient cannot breastfeed anymore with that breast. Another risk is fat necrosis.

Discharge and mass development can be observed in the patients with fat necrosis after the breast reduction surgery. Since the fat cysts/masses that develop can be mistaken for breast cancer when examined using breast imaging methods, it is very critical to undergone breast screening before the operation. Wound dehiscence along the surgical sutures or delay in wound healing are other common problems. These risks are higher if the patient is a smoker.

What is the optimum age for surgery?

Although completion of breast development is sufficient for the surgery, ideally, it would be more suitable for the patient to undergo surgery within a time frame in which she is not considering another planned delivery and the patient’s last breastfeeding was at least 6 months ago. However, if the condition is significantly affecting the patient’s quality of life, the operation can be performed as of 18 years of age once the patient is informed in detail about the process and the risks. 

Sports after surgery

You can begin to take mildly brisk walks when you feel ready after the surgery. You can begin to perform all exercises as of the 6th week. Listen to your body at each stage and avoid the activities that challenge you and cause discomfort regardless of time after surgery.

Sex life after the surgery

The time to go back to your sex life must be regarded similarly to the time to go back to physical activities.

Smoking after the surgery

One of the most important factors that disrupt the quality of the surgery during the recovery period is smoking. Disrupted circulation due to smoking leads to wound healing problems, infections, and worsening in scar quality. Ideally, smoking must be avoided for 3 weeks before and after the surgery.

Traveling after the surgery
If you do not have any condition that requires follow-up after breast augmentation surgery, traveling is allowed.

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