Causes of breast enlargement in males

While breast enlargement in males has many causes, the most common ones are hormonal changes and genetic predisposition. The use of certain drugs and supplements such as steroids, various systemic disorders, and excess weight gain leads to enlarged breasts in males.

What are the symptoms of gynecomastia?

The most frequent complaint of males is that they have a feminine breast structure. Some patients complain that the shape of their breasts is visible even under their clothes.

Gynecomastia starts to appear during adolescence. The underlying cause of breast enlargement that occurs after adolescence, especially the enlargements that occur rapidly and asymmetrically, must be investigated. Palpable masses in the breast must be evaluated with imaging methods and if required, with biopsy.

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FAQs about gynecomastia

Who Treats Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia surgeries are carried out by plastic surgeons.

Is gynecomastia a disease? Is surgery necessary?
Gynecomastia is not a disease. However, a physical examination must be carried out to check for the presence of a mass inside the breast tissue. If the individual has a disorder or drug use that may lead to gynecomastia, first this cause must be eliminated. If the patient’s complaints continue despite this, the patient can undergo surgery. Overweight patients must first do sports and follow a diet.

The optimum age for gynecomastia surgery
The surgery is recommended to be performed after adolescence.

How is gynecomastia surgery performed?
Gynecomastia surgeries can be performed using liposuction, incision method, or a combination of these two. The excess mass in the breast area is significantly reduced with liposuction, but the removal of dense mammary gland tissues immediately underneath the nipple by entering through a semicircular incision made immediately below the nipple will give a better outcome. Depending on the amount of excess skin, skin can be removed in a ring shape from around the nipple, if the amount of excess skin is too much, scar methods must be discussed.

How long does gynecomastia surgery last?
Depending on the choice of technique, the duration of surgery varies between 1-2 hours.

Risks and complications of gynecomastia surgery
Just like after every surgical procedure, bleeding, infection, and delayed wound healing problems can be observed. Loss of sensation at the nipple develops postoperatively and resolves in time. Permanent loss of sensation at the nipple is reported rarely. As the edemas decrease postoperatively, irregularities, adhesions, contractions, or dents may be observed at the nipple or breast area. Gynecomastia appearance may develop again in cases of significant weight gain. Wounds may heal hypertrophically.

Corset use after gynecomastia
A corset is used for approximately 1 month after the surgery. At the end of this period, 2 more weeks of corset use only at night is recommended.

Can gynecomastia be treated without surgery?
If there is an identified cause of gynecomastia, a treatment targeting this cause can be planned and the patient’s gynecomastia status can be followed up. Recently, hormonal treatment methods are discussed, but endocrine diseases specialist should be consulted for suitability for treatment. A very small group of people benefit from such treatments. The majority of the individuals with the complaint of gynecomastia solve this problem by undergoing surgery.

Does gynecomastia cause breast cancer?
Gynecomastia is a general name given to breast enlargement in males. Gynecomastia does not cause breast cancer, but if there is a cancerous mass inside the breast, it might be overlooked in a breast enlarged due to gynecomastia.

Is there pain and bruising after surgery?
It is very natural to experience pain and bruising after the surgery. There can be a burning sensation at the chest area. It must be kept in mind that intense unilateral pain and bruising might be indicators of blood accumulation (hematoma) inside.

Will there be any scars left after the surgery?
In the case of liposuction only, scars of small entry ports remain in the form of scratches. In cases where more tissue needs to be removed, a semicircular scar is made just below the nipple and if this scar heals well, it stands out mildly as it is located exactly in the area of color transition. In cases where skin removal is required, you will have additional scars where the skin was removed.

Sports after surgery
You can begin to take mildly brisk walks when you feel ready after the surgery. At the end of the 1st month, you can do almost all of your physical activities except heavy lifting. You can begin to perform all exercises as of the 6th week. Listen to your body at each stage and avoid the activities that challenge you and cause discomfort regardless of time after surgery.

Sex life after the surgery
The time to go back to your sex life must be regarded similarly to the time to go back to physical activities.

Smoking after the surgery
One of the most important factors that disrupt the quality of the surgery during the recovery period is smoking. Impaired blood circulation due to smoking leads to wound healing problems, infections and worsening of the quality of scarring. Ideally, smoking must be avoided for 3 weeks before and after the surgery.

Traveling after the surgery
If you do not have any condition that requires follow-up after the surgery, traveling is allowed.

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